寓學習於娛樂!STEM 學習組合中的Now Learn自選服務和Da Vinci帶來以STEM為題材的節目,滿足小朋友對科學、技術、工程、數學、天文、藝術等不同範疇的好奇心。
Now TV與Pearson (培生) 合作,緊貼學校課程,精選STEM節目短片,供小一至小六學生及家長收看,在家也可以邊看邊學習STEM知識!
Now Learn自選服務提供課堂以外以STEM為題材的趣味性教學節目, 包括科學、技術、工程、數學、天文和藝術, 加深小朋友對STEM及不同範疇知識的興趣,是親子學習的理想平台。
米凱拉還不確定自己長大後要從事甚麼職業。她在研究自己最愛的科學時,嘗試了許多STEM相關的工作,例如Google 軟件工程師、太空技術員、人工智能電腦科學家和氣象學家。
Da Vinci為6-12歲小朋友帶來一系列以 STEM為題材和包括以數學、科學、歷史及藝術不同範疇的學習節目,讓小朋友隨時隨地探索新知識,適合全家人一起收看。
你試過協助父母計劃家庭開支嗎? 在數學家埃迪伍(Eddie Woo)的指導下,15位澳洲青少年會嘗試自己計劃和處理一個月的家庭預算,學習與家人協商財務管理方式和怎樣理財。原來我們都是父母的理財好拍檔!
Now STEM小教室 逢星期五開課
由Miss STEM 授課,每集教你唔同嘅數學科學原理,帶領小朋友享受有趣嘅STEM學習時間!
註: 以上頻道於本程式所播放之節目須視乎有關內容於手提裝置(手機及平板電腦)之播放權,節目可能跟電視播放之內容有所不同。頻道或影片播影權只限於中華人民共和國香港特别行政區私人地方及作用途播放。節目資訊及服務推廣訊息將透過「Now Player Junior」應用程式通知用戶,用戶可更改手提裝置內的「設定」模式關閉「顯示通知」。
Now TV co-operates with Pearson to select STEM program clips designed for the benefit of Primary 1 to Primary 6 students and their parents. These clips are closely aligned with the school curriculum and enable children to learn STEM knowledge at home in a fun way, which involves watching programs and conducting experiments.
Want to know how much STEM knowledge you have learnt from the Da Vinci programmes? Click the below worksheets and have a test!
Now Learn On Demand equips parents to wow their kids with the wonder of STEM. The library offers a collection of STEM programs designed to facilitate parent-child learning beyond the classroom in a fun way, covering topics including science, technology, engineering, mathematics, as well as astronomy, arts and more.
Make Me A Super
Doc K and her sidekick Nash try to gain superpowers with the help of fun science experiments. They visit talented scientists and engineers to discover the secrets of flight, the powers of regeneration and many more super skills.
When I Grow Up
Mikaela doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up so she follows her love of science to discover some amazingly STEM-related jobs. She meets lots of people – including a Google software engineer, a space technician, a AI computer scientist, and a Meteorologist– to see what they do at work.
Discover a world of possibilities with hours of handpicked, educational entertainment from Da Vinci. For kids aged 6-12 and their families, this is the place to be! With humour and imagination, Da Vinci covers topics ranging from math and science to history, arts, nature and much more.
Teenage Boss
A suitcase full of cash? Great! The only thing these kids have to do first is pay all the bills for their family for a month. Oops! Will there be anything left over for them to spend on themselves? Under the guidance of maths legend Eddie Woo, fifteen Australian teenagers learn to manage money by juggling their family's budget for a month. At the end of the month, they can decide what to do with any cash they have saved. Let's learn how to manage your money with 'Teenage Boss'.
Now STEM Lab having class every Friday
Let's follow Miss STEM to learn new mathematics and science principles in every lesson, enjoying a fun and interesting STEM learning time!
Photo for reference only
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