
Function Features
We are proud to introduce an array of enhanced interactive functions. At the press of a button on the remote control, you can access a homepage that gives you full control of all Now TV services and provides up-to-date channel information. A remote control designed to maximize your Now TV convenience has been developed in conjunction with our user interface.

Remote Control
A specially-designed user-friendly remote control enables you to access interactive functions provided by the user interface with just a few button presses.

Smartphone Remote
It only takes one simple binding process for you to enjoy full control over your Now TV set-top box through your smartphone! Apart from using your phone as a virtual remote control, you can also find the 7 days of schedules for all channels easily.

Connect your Now ID with your set-top box using our Now Player application, and explore the “TV Guide” and “TV Remote” features of the app now!

User Interface
International Recognition
The simplicity and user friendliness of the all-new Now TV user interface has been recognised by an International Design Awards accolade and a Silver Award of Distinction of Communicator Award.

One Press Opens Up Multiple Functions
You can access various Now TV services and functions in an easy and convenient manner by pressing   to enter the home screen while viewing any Now TV channel.

New Program Recommendations
Up-to-date Now TV program highlights enable you to make the ideal viewing choices.

Broadcasting Guide for All Channels
A display function shows programs being broadcasted by all channels at the time of checking, enabling viewers to make an instant choice.

Program Guide
All-day program schedules are provided for each channel for the next seven days.

Now Video Express First and On Demand
Simply enter “Now Video Express First” and “On Demand” to get complete control over the best Hollywood blockbusters and other entertainment programs.

Control Your Live TV with Timeshift
Pause, rewind and fast-forward selected live TV programs with Timeshift. Simply select Timeshift in the Mini Guide and use the pause, rewind and fast forward buttons to halt a live program, replay and catch up with real-time coverage. Programs displaying the Timeshift icon in the TV Guide can be controlled.

Program Search
A quick-and-simple search based on your preferences enables you to mull through TV programs to find the best choices from more than 180 channels.

Access to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT)
Tune in to digital terrestrial television (DTT) channels by simply pressing the channel number on the Now TV remote control. The all-in-one Now set top box enables you to enjoy the fullest possible TV experience.

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